Jul 1 / Sozoroo TEAM

How to Draw Cute Furry Animal Ears!


Animal ears come in all shapes and sizes!

Here is a basic guide on how to draw kemo-mimi aka furry animal ears on your characters! Have you decided which animal ears you want to draw? If not, take a look at the different list of animal ears we have!We'll break down the specific details of these animal ears for you!

Types of Animal Ears

Dog Ears

  • There are many different types of dog ears, however, the inverted triangular ears and floppy ears are the most common among them.
    Draw the ears based on your favorite dog breed as shown above!

Cat Ears

  • Most cats tend to have very short triangular ears.
    Be sure to keep the ears round to show the extra cuteness that cats have!

Bear Ears

  • Bears have little round ears.
    Although bears can be scary at times, adding fluff lines can make them look friendlier!

Fox Ears

  • Unlike cat ears, fox ears are large and pointed.
     Add fur inside the ears to give them the fluffiness of a wild fox!

Rabbit Ears

  • Finally, rabbits have very unusual ears compared to the animals mentioned above.
    They have long and flexible ears. Keep the ears slightly curved for their flexibility.


Drawing animal ears on your characters can give them a different atmosphere and character!
Try using any animal you'd like to draw and add those ears to the characters! 

 Visit our courses at Sozoroo to improve your anime drawing skills and enhance your artwork!
(Illustration by miisa_shion)
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